Am 09.07.2014 17:45, schrieb Tanstaafl:
On 7/2/2014 8:30 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net> wrote:
you refuse to understand that this message comes from the*client* and not from MySQL/MariaDB - so guess why nobody here gave an answer
Yes, the error I posted comes from the client, but apparently the server is seeing errors from the client too...
I just realized that when I responded to this thread again on 6/30, I neglected to include some new additional/important info regarding this issue that happened a couple of weeks after this initial report (about a week ago) that leads me to believe that I should be able to troubleshoot this, at least to an extent, on the mysql server level...
Per my initial email, these errors were happening randomly for a couple of weeks, and only 1 to 3 or 4 times per day...
But a couple of weeks later, my mysql server actually blocked the SOGo server completely:
2014-06-29 19:49:01.986 sogo-tool[7566] ERROR: could not open MySQL4 connection to database 'sogo': Host 'sogo.example.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
because your server has enough from that broken client http://mysqlblog.fivefarmers.com/2013/08/08/understanding-max_connect_errors...