Hi Kristian, Thanks for the quick answer! I wonder if it would be possible the automatically disable the optimistic parallel replication for an engine if it does not implement it ? If both InnoDB & TokuDB engine are used for example, the current behaviour prevents from using the parallel replication for the InnoDB tables. Thanks, Jocelyn Le 15/07/2016 à 16:40, Kristian Nielsen a écrit :
jocelyn fournier <jocelyn.fournier@gmail.com> writes:
After upgrading from TokuDB Enterprise with MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1.14, I tried to enable the parallel replication (parallel_mode=optimistic, slave_parallel_threads=4) on a GTID enabled Is this a known limitation with TokuDB ? Yes. TokuDB does not (to my knowledge) implement the thd_report_wait_for() API, which is what makes optimistic parallel replication work.
- Kristian.