I simply grep out the noise, a backup can be rerun if you need to debug, but for nightly and snapshots, if it doesn't fail...the only portions of the logs i see, and need to see, are what i've determined after 100xN times of running mariadbbackup. YMMV, but its really easy not to filter out errors. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 1:43 PM William Edwards via discuss < discuss@lists.mariadb.org> wrote:
Op 3 aug. 2023 om 19:30 heeft Tom Worster via discuss < discuss@lists.mariadb.org> het volgende geschreven:
Is there an option to reduce the volume of information mariabackup writes to the console as it does its magic?
Some of the log lines are very welcome, for example I like the first three
Aug 03 11:35:03 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: [00] 2023-08-03 11:35:03 Connecting to MariaDB server host: localhost, user: mariabackup, password: set, port: not set, socket: /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Aug 03 11:35:03 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: [00] 2023-08-03 11:35:03 Using server version 10.6.14-MariaDB-1:10.6.14+maria~deb11-log Aug 03 11:35:03 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: mariabackup based on MariaDB server 10.6.14-MariaDB debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
and the last two are really great, like a gift from god
Aug 03 11:36:34 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291196]: [00] 2023-08-03 11:36:34 Last binlog file ./bhs8-bin.001617, position 952620696 Aug 03 11:36:34 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291196]: [00] 2023-08-03 11:36:34 completed OK!
But there's about 500 between these every hour in the journal and most of them are quite boring like this
Aug 03 11:36:31 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: [01] 2023-08-03 11:36:31 Copying ./sys/sys_config.frm to /pool2/mariabackup/sys/sys_config.frm Aug 03 11:36:31 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: [01] 2023-08-03 11:36:31 ...done
Or stuff I do not understand and suspect I probably don't need to undersand
Until something happens and you want to debug it after the fact …
Aug 03 11:35:03 bhs6 v2_backup_maria.sh[1291066]: [00] 2023-08-03 11:35:03 uses posix_fadvise().
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