On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Arjen Lentz <arjen@openquery.com> wrote:
Hi Monty

Real world feedback: almost all clients we have that use FULLTEXT need to not use it, because
 - they need the tables to be InnoDB for transactional/consistency reasons; since Aria is not transactional it's not an option.
 - FULLTEXT performance both for inserts and selects on larger datasets makes it unsuitable.


I ripped virtually all of the MyISAM fulltext out at Craigslist and replaced it with Sphinx.  Soon I hope to finish the job for the one corner where we have a little of it left.

Bascially, I see it as choosing the best tool for the job: InnoDB for reliable data storage, Sphinx for full-text indexing.
