I've just installed maria on ubuntu but cannot start mariadb: [...] Jul 21 16:12:47 dap002 mariadbd[3515]: 2024-07-21 16:12:47 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error
On 7/21/24 18:32, gw1500 via discuss wrote: the systemctl status output does not have the full story but only the last few log lines. So we see that InnoDB engine failed to initialize, but don't know why. We also do not know whether the Aria engine did not get initialized due to the InnoDB one failing, the other way round, or indeed both of them having problems. My blind educated guess would tend towards file system permission problems, but I'd need to see the full startup messages. journalctl --unit=mariadb --since="1 day ago" should give us the details we need. -- Hartmut Holzgraefe, Principal Support Engineer (EMEA) MariaDB Corporation | http://www.mariadb.com/