Additionally 'jemalloc' is available from SuSE's official repo (but is not installed with default install options it seems).  But even after installing jemalloc packages, Yast/zypper stll complains that MariaDB 10.1.8 is broken. Ignoring the warnings and installing anyway is possible, but service cannot be configured (I did not expect it to work, of course, but wanted to see if some useful info appeared).

-- Peter

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Peter Laursen <> wrote:
I am facing problems installing MariaDB 10.1 on OpenSuSE LEAP (42.1) from the MariaDB repository for OpenSUSE 13. Even though built on/for SuSE 13.1 it worked fine on SuSE 13.2 as well.  But not on LEAP: 

Please see attached screenshot from YaST (GUI) installer environment. I think that tells everything. 10.1 packages displayed here are from MariaDB repo (that registers with no problem with YaST/zypper, BTW). 10.0 and other packages displayed are from official SuSE repo.

The 10.0 server from SuSE repo works fine, but I prefer 10.1 on this new VM. I am not interested in a 'hack-solution'. I can wait for a proper solution. But something (the memory allocation manager, seemingly) seems changed in OpenSuSE between-from 13.2 and LEAP creating a dependency problem with *MariaDB_from_MariaDB*

Is a new repo required to support OpenSUSE LEAP? @Daniel?

-- Peter
-- Webyog