Hi, Tom! On 28.01.15 18:04, Tom Worster wrote:
Hi Oleksandr,
Thank you for the response. It helps me make my decision by narrowing the options.
I cannot help with money. My company doesn't have any (really! our market is non-commercial radio stations) but if the ORM extension turns out well then perhaps it helps some more people to use MDC. Money is good but ideas are also counted. :)
But I am a little sad to have confirmation that MDC will receive some love if and only if interest/ROI can be proven.
It's weird. To webapp developers such as me (and I hang out on IRC with lots of others) MDC provides an excellent solution to an important and difficult problem that a lot of us face quite frequently. It provides what is effectively a hybrid of a relational SQL DBMS with a structured document store -- exactly the kind of hybrid we need for things like user or client profiles, account configurations, product tables and other such everyday things that are hard to map to tables. So why the lack of interest? I think this is a technical marketing problem. If there is an interest it somehow should show itself, and this letter actually also counted. But also ideas and request of what really people lack or what they need is really appreciated.
I can try to do my bit from my little corner of a branch of the web dev community if I can make a decent job with the ORM extension I'm working on. If successful, maybe some popular ORMs will follow the idea.
Could the Maria community maybe do more to "sell" MDC as it currently exists? I really don't know. But nicely written examples, howtos and case studies are often a good way to promulgate new stuff like this.
For what it's worth, here's my work at present https://github.com/tom--/dynamic-ar . I share it for the README which documents motivation, which may be of interest here. The implementation is very early, rough and wrong.
Thank you a lot, that is what I meant in the previous paragraph! [skip]