15 Apr
15 Apr
4:16 p.m.
I am using MariaDB 10.117 and gssapi plug-in to allow SID:BA as follows: "ALTER USER `myuser`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED VIA gssapi USING 'SID:BA';" This works fine. But i want to add an additional GROUP besides SID:BA. I have tried: "ALTER USER `myuser`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED VIA gssapi USING 'SID:BA' OR gssapi USING 'GROUP:My Group';" However, when I look at mysql - View - user it shows the authentication_string as only GROUP:My Group. I also tried: "ALTER USER `myuser`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED VIA gssapi USING 'SID:BA', 'GROUP:My Group'; But that showed authentication_string in mysql - View - user as only SID:BA. Is it possible to specify multiple SIDs and GROUPs and, if so, what is the syntax to do so? Regards, Darrel