Ahh, okay. So the updated documentation will suggest passing an empty string to MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, and that will do what It erroneously said it would do with a NULL? Or, were you suggesting specifically that I pass an empty string for GROUP? Thanks again. * Chris From: Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 12:27 To: Chris Ross (cross2) <cross2@cisco.com> Cc: discuss@lists.mariadb.org <discuss@lists.mariadb.org> Subject: Re: [MariaDB discuss] mariadb connector/c client not using SSL Hi, Chris, On Jul 25, Chris Ross (cross2) wrote:
Good. Okay, thank you. So I was of course following the documentation. I hope you can figure out how to fix that, I presume this is just a bug that the code is wrong, and the implementation should match the doc?
I didn't know when I was replying, that's why I only said that "we'll fix the discrepancy". It seems that the documentation was incorrect. I've fixed it to describe the intended behavior.
As you suggested, specifying a group causes it to work. That way I won’t have to hard-code a config file path, but I also would rather not have to hard-code a group. “client” is safe for me now I think, but since the documentation suggests multiple groups that are relevant, it’s a small risk to code one that could later change.
You don't need to hard-code a group, you can use an empty string for the file name to have the desired behavior of "all default groups in all default files". Regards, Sergei Chief Architect, MariaDB Server and security@mariadb.org