Am 17.08.2016 um 10:15 schrieb Federico Razzoli:
I see that MaxScale 2.0 will not be open source until 2009.01.01. I have some questions.
my first one to you is why don't you include links that others can look what you are talking about and "2009.01.01" is likely nonsense
1) I expect next releases to fix bugs, including critical and security bugs. When will these versions be open source?
provide links when you send such stuff to a public list
2) At some point MaxScale 2.0 will be open and 3.0 will be released but not open. When a software exists in both an open and a closed source, I expect the open form to be low-quality. This applies to all examples I can think of. I will feel a bit better if you could explain why you will maintain 2.0 for a reasonable number of years.
provide links when you send such stuff to a public list
3) From my understanding part of MariaDB code belongs to Oracle, thus cannot be closed-sourced by you. But what about connectors and some storage engines? Do you plan to change their license?
where is something closed-sourced? links!