27 Dec
27 Dec
2:43 p.m.
In the Galera docs <http://galeracluster.com/documentation-webpages/weightedquorum.html#weighte d-quorum-for-three-nodes> I read
When configuring quorum weights for three nodes, use the following pattern: node1: pc.weight = 2 node2: pc.weight = 1 node3: pc.weight = 0 Under this pattern, killing node2 and node3 simultaneously preserves the Primary Component <http://galeracluster.com/documentation-webpages/glossary.html#term-primary-c... mponent> on node1. Killing node1 causes node2 and node3 to become non-primary components.
The wording makes it sound as though this is a general recommendation. But, iiuc, this cluster of 3 nodes has a single point of failure: node1. How is this desirable? Tom