Colin Charles <> wrote:
I'm not sure if I'm doing something particularly stupid, but I'm having difficulty using InnoDB (the XtraDB version) with MariaDB v.10.0.10. The engine shows as disabled in my configuration for reasons I'm unclear on.
This is truly rather odd
It is, or was, but mystery solved: I missed this line in the error log when I was looking through it last night: InnoDB: wrong innodb_file_format. ... and sure enough, there was a typo in the value for that in the configuration ("Barracude" instead of "Barracuda"), so that was disabling the InnoDB engine from initializing at all. I'll have to go through this and see if there are any other errors I missed.
My configuration includes changing the default table type [to Aria]
Why? (not that its a problem, just curious)
The application in question uses a large number of tables, only a handful of which need transactional support. The rest are more performance sensitive and Aria looks like a good choice for them -- the older MySQL systems they're migrating from have those tables in MyISAM. Having the default set to Aria saves keystrokes for the developers ;) Thanks for the assistance. Charles -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Cazabon <> Software, consulting, and services available at ------------------------------------------------------------------