On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:05:22 -0500 Aaron Anderson <anderson.aaron@gmail.com> wrote: Aaron> Gang, Aaron> Aaron> I've installed MariaDB on several Debian/Ubuntu systems in the Aaron> past few months, without any issues. Aaron> Aaron> ~2 days ago on an Unbuntu 12.10 system did an apt-get Aaron> update/upgrade/dist-upgrade. I believe that MariaDB was updated Aaron> in that process. After the updates, mysql was "gone" My apps Aaron> couldn't find it, it wasn't running, etc. I was in a hurry so I Aaron> had to fall back to the standard mysql package so not a lot of Aaron> into there. Aaron> Aaron> I built a new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server, added the Maria repo, did Aaron> an apt-get update/ugprade/dist-upgrade. Rebooted. Aaron> Aaron> Aaron> Here's some output... I'm stuck in this loop. <snip> The issue is that Ubuntu recently updated its MySQL packages to 5.5.29. This is messing up dependency resolution and apt-get is giving up. Here's an apt-get line that should allow you to install MariaDB (split into multiple lines for the email): apt-get install mariadb-server-5.5 mariadb-client-5.5 \ mariadb-server-core-5.5 mariadb-common mariadb-server \ libmariadbclient18 libdbd-mysql-perl mariadb-client-core-5.5 \ libmysqlclient18=5.5.28-mariadb-a1~precise \ mysql-common=5.5.28-mariadb-a1~precise For the last two packages I'm just specifying the MariaDB version of the two packages that are causing the installation problems. You might not need to specify all of the packages I specify above, but it was easier to do so than to guess at which specific packages to list. An "apt-get dist-upgrade" will cause problems with the above (it'll try to upgrade libmysqlclient18 and mysql-common) but this will let you get up and running until MariaDB 5.5.29 is released. Thanks. -- Daniel Bartholomew Google+ - http://gplus.to/dbart Twitter - http://twitter.com/daniel_bart MariaDB: An Enhanced Drop-in Replacement for MySQL Website - http://mariadb.org Twitter - http://twitter.com/mariadb Google+ - http://google.com/+mariadb Facebook - http://fb.com/MariaDB.dbms Knowledgebase - http://kb.askmonty.org Monty Program - http://montyprogram.com