well.. provide create tables like:
SHOW CREATE TABLE dbmail_mimeparts;
SHOW CREATE TABLE dbmail_partlists;
SHOW CREATE TABLE dbmail_physmessage;

2013/9/1 Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net>
if it would be that easy

i am only a guy try to help dbmail and not that good in data details and how
to reproduce a valid test set, al i can say is that it wasted a lot
of hours to figure out why the machines of the dbmail-developer are
beahve differently in case of nsetd mime-messages and that it is
caused by MariaDB afetr that i searched my archive for the mail below

AFAIK i even tried to bring MariaDB/DBMail community together months ago

*please* some MariaDB developers could you connect to dbmail/libzdb
to sort out this problem because from the original post below and the feedback
of dbmail-developer the query is correct with the terminal client

so something goes wrong in combination with libzdb
IMHO this *must not* happen if MariaDB claims to be a drop-in-replacemnet

Am 02.09.2013 00:44, schrieb Roberto Spadim:
> Could you send some data to test?
> Em 01/09/2013 18:37, "Reindl Harald" <h.reindl@thelounge.net <mailto:h.reindl@thelounge.net>> escreveu:
>     please can someone from the MariaDB developers
>     MariaDB 5.5.32 is running here on test-machines
>     this is todays feedback of the dbmail core-developer and beause
>     more and more distributions including Fedora/OpenSuSE and AFAIK
>     even RHEL7 switch to MariaDB this is a *serious* problem which is
>     not what a "drop-in replacement" should do and a show-stopper
>     rollout Fedora 19 at all in the near future
>     > Anyway, MariaDB doesn't even pass the basic unit-tests
>     >
>     > Looks like this maybe libzdb related. The ordering of the query
>     > retrieving mime parts is ok on the console, but *not* when looping
>     > over the result in libzdb.
>     >
>     > MariaDB is *no-go* at this moment. Just what I experienced a year
>     > ago or so. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll hold 3.1.4 for that
>     > not a regression at all.
>     -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>     Betreff: Re: [Dbmail] MariaDB and dbmail
>     Datum: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 19:47:15 +0400
>     Von: Sergej Pupykin <ml@sergej.pp.ru <mailto:ml@sergej.pp.ru>>
>     An: DBMail mailinglist <dbmail@dbmail.org <mailto:dbmail@dbmail.org>>
>     At Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:46:52 +0800,
>     zamri <myzamri@gmail.com <mailto:myzamri@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     > MariaDB is fully compatible with MySQL. Migration is done. So far so good. Phewww!...
>     >
>     > Now I need to do some research on tuning mariadb if needed.
>     I found that after migration following SQL returns wrong sorted data:
>     SELECT
>         l.part_key,
>         l.part_depth,
>         l.part_order,
>         l.is_header,
>         DATE_FORMAT(ph.internal_date,GET_FORMAT(DATETIME,'ISO')),
>         data
>     FROM
>         dbmail_mimeparts p
>     JOIN dbmail_partlists l ON p.id <http://p.id> = l.part_id
>     JOIN dbmail_physmessage ph ON ph.id <http://ph.id> = l.physmessage_id
>     WHERE l.physmessage_id = <ID>
>     ORDER BY l.part_key,l.part_order ASC;
>     however when I run it from command line it works well.
>     Probably it does not fail always because of not all emails damaged.
>     Not sure if it caused by migration to mariadb, but problem appeared
>     near same time.

Roberto Spadim