On 20.07.22 12:39, Reindl Harald wrote:
it's not that smart to skip major versions
why for the sake of god do you not upgrade 10.3 -> 10.4 -> 10.5 -> 10.6 like everybody else?
this has been considered best practice for quite a while, but is not really the case anymore (although old habits my take their time to die) It is still OK to do it one step at a time, and it may help to track down a non-backwards-compatible change that your applications can't cope with by doing it this way, and running application tests on each major version step on the way. From the server side itself there's no real reason to not just upgrade to the final target version right away anymore. In the past such scenarios were not tested, but sometimes people would do it anyway (intentionally or via a distro upgrade) and there were no related problems related for several years. So it seemed to be safe to skip over major releases after all, and we also added test coverage for this in recent years. So "like everybody else does" was never true to begin with, even though documentation recommended to to it this way until some two years ago or so. But by now it is not even really what the documentation suggests anymore. I was originally reluctant about this change in recommendation, but have been convinced since and so far have not seen any problem with such direct version skipping upgrades either. -- Hartmut Holzgraefe, Principal Support Engineer (EMEA) MariaDB Corporation | http://www.mariadb.com/