Am 09.07.2014 20:35, schrieb Tanstaafl:
On 7/9/2014 1:55 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net> wrote:
Am 09.07.2014 19:29, schrieb Tanstaafl:
But my point is shouldn't these errors that the server is seeing show in the (mysql) logs somewhere?
why should they?
if they would and i can access your database server it takes me one minute to DOS your machine by write the disk full with "is blocked because of many connection errors" messages
Sometimes I think you are being intentionally obtuse.
no - the only one who is obtuse in that thread is you because you ignore over a long time that this is a client issue nobody on the server side can help you downgrade the client or treat it's developers - period
I mean THE ERRORS THAT THE SERVER SEES THAT CAUSES THE HOST TO BE BLOCKED. Not the subsequent errors saying that it is blocked
the server don't need to see specific errors so stop calling others obtuse while you are lacking depper knowldege try it out, just connect in a loop to a mysqld server followed by a disconnect and you will trigger it too - any connection not ending in a successfull login counts so if cour broken client connects, don't like the repsone and decides to close the connection there is not much else than add +1 to the count for the server side