Hi, Peter! On Jan 31, Peter Laursen wrote:
I have MariaDB 5.5, 10.0 and 10.1 installed (as Windows services named 'maria55'. 'maria10' and 'maria10_1' ) and always update them to latest soon after an update is available. Yesterday morning I installed 10.0.16 on top of 10.0.15 using the .msi installer. When I tried to connect to it a few hours later it was not possible. ... Questions: * Has somebody else experienced this?
Yes, https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-7531 I've already fixed it and we've replaced msi packages with fixed ones. Of course, it was already too late for you, I know :( At least, I hope, it'll help those users who are not as fast as you are.
* Has somebody replaced @wlad as maintainer of Windows installers? @wlad was the only person who ever was able to write reasonable MySQL/MariaDB installers. So I would regret that.
At the moment we don't have a dedicated Windows developer, unfortunately. Regards, Sergei