Hi Antony,
I am constantly getting abuse from azure, amazon, digital ocean cloud.
That sounds most unfortunate, but what has that to do with MariaDB? What exactly do you mean by that statement?
With previous mysql versions I never got this message.
Which message?
x.x.x.x is blocked because of many connection and unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
I assume you have set this to a default.
Who is "you" and what is "this"?
you: default settings introduced by mariadb ;) this: connection limit per ip
I don't want to have this limit on ip but on ip+database, how can I change this?
Please explain in more detail (or more clearly) what your problem is and what you are trying to achieve.
1. I don't want the connection limit to be on just an ip in a shared environment, but on the combination ip+accessed db. 2. or maybe this can be auto-flushed after some period?