Jocelyn Fournier <joce@doctissimo.fr> writes:
I'm trying to push my company to adopt MariaDB 5.2. Unfortunately, the currently available binaries (at least for the x86-64 version) requires a glibc 2.4, where we have only a 2.3 version (debian etch) installed on our server. MySQL 5.5 standard binaries, as well as Percona's one perfectly support glibc 2.3, so is there any plan to provide glibc 2.3 compatible binaries for MariaDB ?
We used to have Debian etch binaries, however I removed them at some point since Debian etch support ended half a year ago or so and there did not seem much interest. (If you want to help sponsor resurrecting binaries supporting such older systems you could try contacting sales@askmonty.org.) Alternatively, you can build the binaries yourself, it is not hard. You basically need to run these two commands: BUILD/compile-bintar scripts/make_binary_distribution - Kristian.