What does this return?


SELECT * FROM time_zone_name WHERE `name` = 'EDT';


This is not present on my system on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.8 (Santiago). You'll need to manually insert this data or get a updates TZ file I guess.




From: Maria-discuss [mailto:maria-discuss-bounces+rhys.campbell=swisscom.com@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of Karthick Subramanian
Sent: 07 June 2017 11:09
To: Maria Discuss <maria-discuss@lists.launchpad.net>
Subject: [Maria-discuss] Time Zone help




I am facing some strange issue, I believe its due to my ignorant, would appreciate if you can help me out on this:


DB Server system OS CentOS.


I have loaded the timezone tables in mysql using:


mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql

After loading, I have restrated the DB using systemctl restart mariadb:


Then I have tried below in DB:


select @@global.time_zone,@@system_time_zone;


Inline image 1


SELECT CONVERT_TZ( NOW(), @@global.time_zone , 'UTC' ), UTC_TIMESTAMP;


Inline image 3


SELECT CONVERT_TZ( NOW(), @@system_time_zone , 'UTC' ), UTC_TIMESTAMP;


Inline image 4




Inline image 2


For some reason, If I use named TZ in CONVERT_TZ function for FROM_TZ, its always showing NULL. 


Can anyone help me out what else i can do so I can pass the abbreviation or named TZ in FROM_TZ. 


