other doubt https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/10.1/storage/oqgraph/ha_oqgraph.cc#L4... when using aria as backstorage, aria engine don't support insert delayed, this will make some problems not? about query cache i didn't found a register_query_cache_table function like aria/innodb/myisam engines, maybe we should change documentation to 'query cache isn't supported with oqgraph' instead of 'needs to be disabled' 2014-09-23 14:13 GMT-03:00 Roberto Spadim <roberto@spadim.com.br>:
i'm thinking about how it work with backend data store for example... select somefiled from oq_graph where something.. oq_graph will send some queries to data table (i don't know if it use sql or internal handler) data table will return oq_graph will process and send back data to client, here it can/can't query cache
if data table change, oq_graph don't know and old query cache will become inconsistent, the point is, why not it need to be disabled? should be nice a explain about it, i don't know too how it works :/ any other idea?
2014-09-23 12:25 GMT-03:00 Oleksandr Byelkin <sanja@montyprogram.com>:
On 23.09.14 17:25, Roberto Spadim wrote:
Hi guys, i was reading docs, and found this:
* The query cache needs to be disabled in order to use OQGRAPH <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/oqgraph/> and, in older versions, Galera <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/galera/>.
Why query cache needs to be disabled with OQGRAPH?
My guess is that because it can't cooperate with QC and behaviour to not match our 2 defaukt patterns (like myisam or transactional). If it fit in one of the patterns it could be switched on.
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle