I'm using MariaDB 10.2.13 on Windows 7. All tables are using the Aria engine.
I am trying to initialise a slave database by copying the files between PCs, but when I try and use the copied files I get the error
Table is from another system and must be zerofilled or repaired to be usable on this system
Repairing the tables fixes this, but I'd rather not have to so that.
I have tried various things suggested to stop this, but nothing seems to help. On the source server I have run aria_chk -zerofill on all the tables. Before copying the tables I run FLUSH TABLES <table list> FOR EXPORT, but I still get the error. jesus don't copy tbale files around while the server is running
no idea why you repsond off-list
I forgot to use reply all. Most lists, just reply works. Sorry
Does that mean this is not valid then...
did you read and understand it
Yes I read and understood it. I've been doing this for the last 10 years with MySQL without any problem. I was assuming I could do the same with MariaDB.
how make you sure "The server is not accessing the tables during the copy process"
"The advantage of FLUSH TABLES table_name FOR EXPORT is that the table is read locked until UNLOCK TABLES is executed" is not really true because that's only valid for the running connection
Surely not. If you've locked a table for read only nothing should be able to write to it from any connection otherwise what's the point of a multi-threaded server? Tests suggest otherwise.
"Warning: If you do the above live copy, you are doing this on your own risk" should be clear
in short: nobody right in his mind copies database tables hot
The code doing this stops everything talking to the database (Yes, I know there could be someone fiddling remotely in a shell, but this is very unlikely). Even tables which are never written to cause this error So if I'm careful, is there a way to make this work without stopping the server? Thanks for the help Regards Andy Ling