I got a replciation problem and planned to take master server dump using below command and tried to restore in slave server:
mysqldump --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --flush-logs --hex-blob --master-data=1 -A --routines > ~/dump.sql
I got into this error:
Then I tried this method:
My question:
Is it ok if the GIS procedure currently with definer as definer=`root@localhost` instead of blank as definer=`` for the following two procs in mysql:
Slave_MariaDB [(none)]> select db, name, definer from mysql.proc;
| db | name | definer |
| mysql | AddGeometryColumn | root@localhost |
| mysql | DropGeometryColumn | root@localhost |
Master_MariaDB [(none)]> select db, name, definer from mysql.proc;
| db | name | definer |
| mysql | AddGeometryColumn | @ |
| mysql | DropGeometryColumn | @ |