26 Nov
26 Nov
1:30 p.m.
Hi, Peter! On Nov 26, Peter Laursen wrote:
NO.. I thought it would bea separate RPM (Like the OQGraph). I will check when I get time. it coudl take a day or two now. Sorry for false alarm.
As a general rule we put in separage packages plugins that require additional dependencies. OQGraph requires libJudy, so if one doesn't use OQGraph, she shouldn't be required to install libJudy. CONNECT needs odbc, xml, etc. TokuDB doesn't bring in extra dependencies, so it's included into the server package.
ButSuSE should be listed here https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/documentation/storage-engines/tokudb/how-t... then, right?
Added, thanks. Regards, Sergei