On 04. juli 2014 10:44, erkan yanar
On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 02:16:26PM +0200, Johnny Antonsen wrote:
Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log:
'Error: connecting slave requested to start from GTID 3-1-422, which
is not in the master's binlog'
And the Slave_IO_State shows that it's no longer in sync.
I have run SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos; to check what the current
GTID for each node is, and they all return: 1-1-2145, however,
sometimes if I add a lot of data, that value is different on some
nodes, which is why I think the slave gets confused.
Using Galera there is no different Data on the nodes.
On the slave, when activating using_gtid=slave_pos, the following
gtid_IO_pos appear: 1-1-2464,2-3-420,3-1-422
Why are you using different domain-ids?
>From what I have read, this should be somewhat correct, as the first
value is the server id. However, in the config I have specified that
node 1 has server id 1, node 2 has id 2 and so on, and that the same
goes for gtid_domain_id. Is this the correct setup or do the nodes
need to have the same server-id or gtid_domain_id?
The secound value is the server-id.
Ok, so that means that each value on the various servers in a galera
clusters will be unique, like node 1 will have gtid 1-1-xxx and node
2 will have 1-2-xxx and so on? According to what you mention further
up about domain id's being unique.