Hello, A new question has been asked in "MariaDB Community" by gaurav_sharma_g1. Please answer it at http://mariadb.com/kb/en/consistently-able-to-crash-mariadb-10025-and-1014-s... as the person asking the question may not be subscribed to the mailing list. -------------------------------- We are able to consistently reproduce the crash of MariaDB with the following query: {{{ drop procedure if exists sp_getServerAndAgentHeartbeats; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getServerAndAgentHeartbeats() begin select allof.* from (select bothof.Name fullname, bothof.instanceid name, bothof.DMSUrl id, bothof.ts heartbeat, bothof.tz, bothof.local_time, bothof.pdfagentsetup, bothof.origin, bothof.dmsid, bothof.DealerID dealerid, bothof.server_group, bothof.hasNotes from ( select d.Name, dlrurl.DealerID, DMSUrl, DMSSuff, psh.* , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone.id') tz , (select timestampadd(minute, (480 + OptionValue), current_timestamp()) from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone' ) local_time , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'pdfserver.settings') pdfagentsetup , "server" origin , (select DMSID from DealerDMS where DealerID = d.ID) dmsid , (select guid from dms_staging_db.server_groups sg where sg.ip = DMSUrl and find_in_set(DMSSuff, sg.suffix) > 0 limit 1) server_group , IF((select count(*) from dms_staging_db.server_notes sn where sn.uuid = server_group) >= 1,'true','false') hasNotes from (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSUrl from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'Dealer.Pdf.Source.Url') dlrurl inner join (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSSuff from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'ADP.SessionSuffix') dlrsuff on dlrsuff.DealerID = dlrurl.DealerID inner join Dealer d on dlrurl.DealerID = d.ID inner join PdfServerHeartbeat psh on psh.dealerurl = DMSUrl and psh.instanceid = concat_ws('', '_', DMSSuff) where coalesce(DMSUrl, '') !='' and coalesce(DMSSuff, '') !='' ) bothof union ( select d.Name fullname , aih.DealerIdentifier name , aih.DealerMarker id , aih.lastgotdata heartbeat , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone.id') tz , (select timestampadd(minute, (480 + OptionValue), current_timestamp()) from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone' ) local_time , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'pdfserver.settings') pdfagentsetup , "agent" origin , (select DMSID from DealerDMS where DealerID = d.ID) dmsid , d.ID DealerID , (select guid from dms_staging_db.server_groups sg where sg.ip = aih.DealerMarker and find_in_set(aih.DealerIdentifier, sg.suffix) > 0 limit 1) server_group , IF((select count(*) from dms_staging_db.server_notes sn where sn.uuid = server_group) >= 1,'true','false') hasNotes from (select DealerMarker, DealerIdentifier, count(1) pcount, max(ts) lastgotdata from AgentInstanceHeartbeat where Instance != 'pdf_server' group by DealerMarker, DealerIdentifier ) aih inner join ( select dlrurl.DealerID, DMSUrl, DMSSuff from (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSUrl from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'Dealer.Pdf.Source.Url') dlrurl inner join (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSSuff from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'ADP.SessionSuffix') dlrsuff on dlrsuff.DealerID = dlrurl.DealerID where coalesce(DMSUrl, '') !='' and coalesce(DMSSuff, '') !='' ) dsodata on (aih.DealerMarker = dsodata.DMSUrl and aih.DealerIdentifier = dsodata.DMSSuff) inner join Dealer d on (dsodata.DealerID = d.ID) where d.isValid = 1 ) order by 1 asc) allof; end$$ }}} **Our developer wrote this query as a modification to an existing query and upon executing the above SP, we consistently see the following stack trace in the MariaDB logs:** {{{ Thread pointer: 0x0x7f301afa0008 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0x7f2fdce88140 thread_stack 0x48400 /usr/sbin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x2b)[0x7f48c34c197b] /usr/sbin/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x475)[0x7f48c3020825] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf7e0)[0x7f48c26267e0] /usr/sbin/mysqld(_ZN17Dependency_marker11visit_fieldEP10Item_field+0x4b)[0x7f48c304765b] /usr/sbin/mysqld(_ZN10Item_field30enumerate_field_refs_processorEPh+0x12)[0x7f48c302d612] mysys/stacktrace.c:247(my_print_stacktrace)[0x7f48c3043c43] sql/signal_handler.cc:160(handle_fatal_signal)[0x7f48c30a2690] sql/item.cc:6707(Dependency_marker::visit_field(Item_field*))[0x7f48c303ddc4] sql/item_subselect.cc:329(Item_subselect::enumerate_field_refs_processor(unsigned char*))[0x7f48c303ef5e] sql/item.cc:5054(Item_field::fix_fields(THD*, Item**))[0x7f48c3040098] /usr/sbin/mysqld(_ZN9Item_func10fix_fieldsEP3THDPP4Item+0x1a7)[0x7f48c30732a7] sql/item_func.cc:208(Item_func::fix_fields(THD*, Item**))[0x7f48c2e713cb] sql/sql_base.cc:8629(setup_conds(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, List<TABLE_LIST>&, Item**))[0x7f48c2ef5160] sql/sql_select.cc:646(setup_without_group)[0x7f48c30a5b44] sql/item_subselect.cc:259(Item_subselect::fix_fields(THD*, Item**))[0x7f48c30a9a0d] sql/item_func.cc:208(Item_func::fix_fields(THD*, Item**))[0x7f48c30732a7] sql/item_func.cc:208(Item_func::fix_fields(THD*, Item**))[0x7f48c30732a7] sql/sql_base.cc:7901(setup_fields(THD*, Item**, List<Item>&, enum_mark_columns, List<Item>*, bool))[0x7f48c2e70c13] sql/sql_select.cc:791(JOIN::prepare(Item***, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, bool, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, st_select_lex*, st_select_lex_unit*))[0x7f48c2ef50a2] sql/sql_union.cc:454(st_select_lex_unit::prepare(THD*, select_result*, unsigned long))[0x7f48c2f400ec] sql/sql_derived.cc:671(mysql_derived_prepare(THD*, LEX*, TABLE_LIST*))[0x7f48c2e8e570] sql/sql_derived.cc:195(mysql_handle_single_derived(LEX*, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int))[0x7f48c2e8f327] sql/sql_lex.cc:3820(st_select_lex::handle_derived(LEX*, unsigned int))[0x7f48c2ea46b7] sql/table.cc:7126(TABLE_LIST::handle_derived(LEX*, unsigned int))[0x7f48c2f55767] sql/sql_lex.cc:3820(st_select_lex::handle_derived(LEX*, unsigned int))[0x7f48c2ea46b7] sql/sql_select.cc:711(JOIN::prepare(Item***, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, bool, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, st_select_lex*, st_select_lex_unit*))[0x7f48c2ef4e31] sql/sql_select.cc:3429(mysql_select(THD*, Item***, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*))[0x7f48c2f01aed] sql/sql_select.cc:384(handle_select(THD*, LEX*, select_result*, unsigned long))[0x7f48c2f04bfd] /usr/sbin/mysqld(+0x451102)[0x7f48c2ea7102] sql/sql_parse.cc:5895(execute_sqlcom_select)[0x7f48c2eb33bf] sql/sp_head.cc:3215(sp_instr_stmt::exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x7f48c311c9be] sql/sp_head.cc:2979(sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool, sp_instr*))[0x7f48c312243e] sql/sp_head.cc:3129(sp_instr_stmt::execute(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x7f48c312293d] sql/sp_head.cc:1319(sp_head::execute(THD*, bool))[0x7f48c311f91c] sql/sp_head.cc:2104(sp_head::execute_procedure(THD*, List<Item>*))[0x7f48c3120cc6] sql/sql_parse.cc:2405(do_execute_sp)[0x7f48c2eb3b30] sql/sp_head.cc:3215(sp_instr_stmt::exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x7f48c311c9be] sql/sp_head.cc:2979(sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool, sp_instr*))[0x7f48c312243e] sql/sp_head.cc:3129(sp_instr_stmt::execute(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x7f48c312293d] sql/sp_head.cc:1319(sp_head::execute(THD*, bool))[0x7f48c311f91c] sql/sp_head.cc:2104(sp_head::execute_procedure(THD*, List<Item>*))[0x7f48c3120cc6] sql/sql_parse.cc:2405(do_execute_sp)[0x7f48c2eb3b30] sql/sql_parse.cc:7314(mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned int, Parser_state*))[0x7f48c2eb68fd] sql/sql_parse.cc:1486(dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int))[0x7f48c2eb955b] sql/sql_parse.cc:1109(do_command(THD*))[0x7f48c2eb9b0b] sql/sql_connect.cc:1350(do_handle_one_connection(THD*))[0x7f48c2f7569f] sql/sql_connect.cc:1264(handle_one_connection)[0x7f48c2f757f7] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x7aa1)[0x7f48c261eaa1] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d)[0x7f48c0b03aad] Trying to get some variables. Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort. Query (0x7f302e2a8020): is an invalid pointer Connection ID (thread ID): 264 Status: NOT_KILLED }}} After this MariaDB crashes and restarts. **For now we have reverted the changes back to the old code which is shown below:** {{{ drop procedure if exists sp_getServerAndAgentHeartbeats; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getServerAndAgentHeartbeats() begin select allof.*, IF((select count(*) from dms_staging_db.server_notes sn where sn.uuid = concat(allof.dealerid,'-notes')) >= 1,'true','false') hasNotes from (select bothof.Name fullname, bothof.instanceid name, bothof.DMSUrl id, bothof.ts heartbeat, bothof.tz, bothof.local_time, bothof.pdfagentsetup, bothof.origin, bothof.dmsid, bothof.DealerID dealerid from ( ( select d.Name, dlrurl.DealerID, DMSUrl, DMSSuff, psh.* , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone.id') tz , (select timestampadd(minute, (480 + OptionValue), current_timestamp()) from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone' ) local_time , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'pdfserver.settings') pdfagentsetup , "server" origin , (select DMSID from DealerDMS where DealerID = d.ID) dmsid from (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSUrl from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'Dealer.Pdf.Source.Url') dlrurl inner join (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSSuff from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'ADP.SessionSuffix') dlrsuff on dlrsuff.DealerID = dlrurl.DealerID inner join Dealer d on dlrurl.DealerID = d.ID inner join PdfServerHeartbeat psh on psh.dealerurl = DMSUrl and psh.instanceid = concat_ws('', '_', DMSSuff) where coalesce(DMSUrl, '') !='' and coalesce(DMSSuff, '') !='' ) union ( select d.Name, data.* , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone.id') tz , (select timestampadd(minute, (480 + OptionValue), current_timestamp()) from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone' ) local_time , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'pdfserver.settings') pdfagentsetup , "server" origin , (select DMSID from DealerDMS where DealerID = d.ID) dmsid from ( select replace(dealerurl, 'dealer-', '') DealerID, dealerurl DMSUrl, null DMSSuff, psh1.* from PdfServerHeartbeat psh1 where dealerurl like 'dealer-%' ) data inner join Dealer d on data.DealerID = d.ID ) ) bothof union ( select d.Name fullname , aih.DealerIdentifier name , aih.DealerMarker id , aih.lastgotdata heartbeat , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone.id') tz , (select timestampadd(minute, (480 + OptionValue), current_timestamp()) from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'Dealer.timezone' ) local_time , (select OptionValue from DealerSetupOption where DealerID = d.ID and OptionKey = 'pdfserver.settings') pdfagentsetup , "agent" origin , (select DMSID from DealerDMS where DealerID = d.ID) dmsid , d.ID DealerID from (select DealerMarker, DealerIdentifier, count(1) pcount, max(ts) lastgotdata from AgentInstanceHeartbeat where Instance != 'pdf_server' group by DealerMarker, DealerIdentifier ) aih inner join ( select dlrurl.DealerID, DMSUrl, DMSSuff from (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSUrl from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'Dealer.Pdf.Source.Url') dlrurl inner join (select DealerID, OptionValue as DMSSuff from DealerSetupOption dso1 where OptionKey = 'ADP.SessionSuffix') dlrsuff on dlrsuff.DealerID = dlrurl.DealerID where coalesce(DMSUrl, '') !='' and coalesce(DMSSuff, '') !='' ) dsodata on (aih.DealerMarker = dsodata.DMSUrl and aih.DealerIdentifier = dsodata.DMSSuff) inner join Dealer d on (dsodata.DealerID = d.ID) where d.isValid = 1 ) order by 1 asc) allof; end$$ }}} -------------------------------- To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/consistently-able-to-crash-mariadb-10025-and-1014-s...