Jan Kirchhoff <j.kirchhoff@logical-line.de> writes:
Is there something like slave_skip_counter, aka "I Know what I do, skip that update"? I think I have to take a new snapshot to get the second
Yes, MariaDB has this: https://kb.askmonty.org/en/selectively-skipping-replication-of-binlog-events... If you set skip_replication=0 (instead of SQL_LOG_BIN=0) and replicate-events-marked-for-skip=FILTER_ON_MASTER on all servers. Then the changes will be logged to the binlog (for Galera to use), but will not be sent to other slaves using traditional replication. Disclaimer: I do not have much experience with Galera, much less actually tried using it with @@skip_replication, but it should work, I think. Note that this is a MariaDB feature (it will not work with Galera based on MySQL or Percona-server). - Kristian.