Hi, I'm trying to parse GPX files, which are XML with the connect engine. They look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gpx version="1.1" creator="runtastic - makes sports funtastic, http://www.runtastic.com"> <trk> <trkseg> <trkpt lon="-0.7057708501815800" lat="51.4470825195312003"> <ele>76.6089172363281</ele> <time>2013-08-12T18:17:25.000Z</time> </trkpt> <trkpt lon="-0.7059442996978760" lat="51.4470443725586009"> <ele>72.1513061523437</ele> <time>2013-08-12T18:17:28.000Z</time> </trkpt> <trkpt lon="-0.7059520483016970" lat="51.4470558166503977"> <ele>75.0039749145508</ele> <time>2013-08-12T18:17:30.000Z</time> </trkpt> </trkseg> </trk> </gpx> Once I have the Connect -engine enabled I do the following: create table GPXSource ( lat char(20) field_format='@', lon char(20) field_format='@') engine=CONNECT table_type=XML file_name='/home/rasmus/nodegpxmariadb/public/uploads/runtastic_20130812_2157_Running.gpx' tabname='gpx/trk/trkseg' option_list='rownode=trkpt'; It doesn't work, I cannot figure out how to tell the Connect engine that the data I'm interested is beneath the gpx/trk/trkseg -node (tabname). If I remove the trk and trkseg -nodes from the data and just have the gpx -node left and all trkpt -nodes inside it everything works perfectly. Any help is appriciated. BR, Rasmus -- Rasmus Johansson, VP Engineering MariaDB | t: +358 50 499 9589 | Skype: ratzpo