We have the same problem.  We cannot test either. But we have a few user reports.  We will discuss what we can do.

Is there any parameter or compile-time option we should be aware of? Any specific documentation somewhere? Anything?

-- Peter

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Peter!

On Jun 04, Peter Laursen wrote:
> For clarity: a 'dummy' parameter doing nothing does not solve our
> problem.  We actually want to build clients that can (also) connect to
> Oracle MySQL Enterprise servers configured to make use of Oracle's PAM
> implementation.

We build and distribute a cleartext plugin. And it can be used if the
server requests. In a sense, in MariaDB a cleartext plugin is always
enabled. So a dummy option is needed only to restore the binary protocol
compatibility. That's my understanding, at least, but I don't have
Oracle's PAM plugin, so I cannot test it.

But if you have verified that your client with our C connector can not
connect to Oracle MySQL Enterprise server with the Oracle's PAM
implementation - please submit a bug report, and we will fix it.
