Hi Monty!
For now, one can only call mysql_options() before the connection happens. I prefer to not change this for this release.
O.K. It's no problem. Thanks, Kentoku 2013/4/17 Michael Widenius <monty@askmonty.org>
"kentoku" == kentoku <kentokushiba@gmail.com> writes:
kentoku> Hi Monty and Sergei! kentoku> Thank you for your response and reviewing.
I will fix that during this week. It's hard to do in the caller, as there is no parameter that can be used for this.
I can fix this by adding a new 'mysql_options()' where one says that the all memory in this connection will be thread specific and use this in the replication threads and in the federated engine (where this is needed).
Would this solve your problem?
kentoku> Yes, this solves my problem. Additionally, if 'mysql_options()' can be used kentoku> dynamically before calling 'mysql_store_result()' and 'cli_use_result()' kentoku> for switching "MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC" (or not), it is better for me.
For now, one can only call mysql_options() before the connection happens. I prefer to not change this for this release.
Regards, Monty