I just wanted to split the task into these steps:
1. Default and _bin collations. This is what MDEV-9711 is about.
2. Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) based collations (e.g. utf8_unicode_nopad_ci)
3. The rest (not covered by the previous steps) This will include latin1_general_nopad_cs, latin2_czech_nopad_cs
This is why asked in the previous letter if utf8_unicode_nopad_ci would work for you. Also, which MariaDB version do you need this for? Will 10.1 work?
Thank you very much for this explanation. Regarding the version: Our O/S usually is Debian which generally uses software which is quite old. This means that I will have to compile MariaDB myself in every case. The current project where this new collations are needed will probably take about three months before being finished. It would be very nice if we could have the new collations until then. In the meantime, we'll continue development with MySQL and switch to MariaDB as soon as the new collations are available. _ci collations would be sufficient as a starting point. Nevertheless, I think there must be a _nopad_ collation for every collation which already exists. Personally, since we are using utf8 (and no other encoding) in every part of every project, I would prefer to have *all utf8* _nopad_ collations before having any other _nopad_ collation. But that's just my personal opinion. We will be grateful for any progress regardless of the order of things being implemented. Binarus