Hi, Any chance you can split that out into a related table? This would also allow adding foreign key constraints, which implicitly enforces you to have appropriate indexes loaded. Kind regards, Jaco On 2024/09/14 14:59, Gingko via discuss wrote:
Hello, and thank you very much.
Actually I thought to that one already.
But I have reasons to think this doesn't have a lot of chances to be more efficient than the “LIKE” method against TINYTEXT.
How could I expect MariaDB to use any index with JSON_TABLE()?
*De :* Markus Mäkelä via discuss [mailto:discuss@lists.mariadb.org] *Envoyé :* samedi 14 septembre 2024 à 9:19 AM *Pour :* discuss@lists.mariadb.org *Objet :* [MariaDB discuss] Re: Joining two tables on a list of values
You could use JSON_TABLE() <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/json_table/> if you store the values as JSON. The nice thing about JSON is that MariaDB already has a lot of functions to work with it.
The syntax for converting each list in a row into its own row is IMO a bit tricky to get right the first time but it seems to work. Here’s an example that I tested it with:
CREATE TABLE main_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, to_join INT NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE joined_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, int_join JSON NOT NULL); INSERT INTO main_table VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5); INSERT INTO joined_table VALUES (123, '[2,4]'), (456, '[3,5]'), (789, '[1, 5, 3]');
-- This one splits the join table’s values into individual rows SELECT jt.*, js_t.* FROM joined_table AS jt CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE( jt.int_join, '$[*]' COLUMNS( id INT PATH '$' ) ) js_t;
-- This one joins it to the main table SELECT mt.id AS main_table_id, jt.id AS joined_table_id, js_t.id AS joined_on FROM joined_table AS jt CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE( jt.int_join, '$[*]' COLUMNS( id INT PATH '$' ) ) js_t JOIN main_table mt ON (js_t.id = mt.to_join) ORDER BY jt.id;
The SQLFiddle for it can be found here: https://sqlfiddle.com/mariadb/online-compiler?id=5f6d5772-815f-48a4-977c-990...
Markus Mäkelä
On 9/13/24 17:09, Gingko via discuss wrote:
I would like to know if is there some (efficient!) way to join two tables on a list of values contained in (likely a single column) of the joined table, whatever form could have this list of values ?
For example, I have a main table containing:
main_table: +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+ | index | int(11) | NO | PRI | 0 | | | to_join | int(11) | NO | | 0 | | | <other fields, irrelevant> | | | | | +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+
… and a secondary table containing:
joined_table: +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+ | index | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment | | int_list | <list_of_ints> | YES | | (empty) | | | <other fields, irrelevant> | | | | | +------------+------------------+------+-----+------------+----------------+
We could suppose, here, as a simple test case, that main_table has five rows where to_join contains respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the joined_table has a single row with the single column int_list combining 2 and 4 in any form (but of course, this list could actually have any length).
I’d like to join these tables using a statement like:
SELECT <anything> FROM main_table AS M LEFT JOIN joined_table AS J ON M.to_join <some_operator to> J.int_list;
… in such a way that main_table would be joined to joined_table using any value contained in int_list, and the statement is expected to give two rows as a result.
I tried to set int_list as a TINYTEXT containing "2,4" and use:
SELECT <anything> FROM main_table AS M LEFT JOIN joined_table AS J ON M.to_join IN (J.int_list);
… but this doesn’t work, of course, my comma separated list is seen as a whole single value.
I also tried, still using TINYTEXT, the list as "[2][4]" and use:
SELECT <anything> FROM main_table AS M LEFT JOIN joined_table AS J ON J.int_list LIKE CONCAT('%[', M.to_join , ']%');
This works (more or less), but it is excruciatingly slow, especially knowing that main_table can actually contain millions of rows, and joined_table several thousands.
Is there a better solution for doing that?
As the final goal implies, somewhere later, associating to_join in main_table, via int_list, to the index auto increment primary key of the joined_table, using multiple rows there is not an option.
Gingko _______________________________________________
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-- Markus Mäkelä, Senior Software Engineer MariaDB Corporation
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