Am 17.06.2017 um 16:56 schrieb romeo kalebic:
I'm new user of MariaDB, and I install it on Centos 6.8 64bit. I install it using yum utility , according instruction on MariaDB site: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/yum/.
yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client finished without any problem.
I can use mysql client to connect to databases without any problems.
Then I try to compile some of my applications. To find out what library to use and where include files are I use mysql_config and mariadb_config.
I wrote Makefile and use -I and -L like this in mysql_config.
gcc compiler finish with error that there is no mariadb library.
What I have missed? Where is libmariadb located?
as for any other software on rpm-based distributions in the devel packages - i guess "MariaDB-devel" but looking at the terrible camel-case packagename anything is possible :-)