
I would not count MySQL replication setup as a heterogeneous database, because then all nodes would contain same database management system, namely MySQL,
in patent they would allow nodes with different database management systems, e.g. master with MySQL, other nodes with Oracle.

R: Jan
A comment to ".. mysql replication to heterogeneous database".  Isn't a slave of a multi-master MySQL replication setup (what I understand is possible with GTIDs at least) a 'heterogeneous database' as well?

I can only agree that the new discovery/technology that justifies (if it does) a patent grant is not easy to see. And terms used in the document are not all well-defined either IMO. 

Besides much of the document is just a rewrite/quote of MySQL documentation (such as http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/data-types.html for instance).

-- Peter


Jan Lindström
Principal Engineer

MariaDB | MaxScale | skype: jan_p_lindstrom


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