
Almost everytime when I join node to Galera cluster (MariaDB 10.1.13) I'm getting an error after SST:

2016-04-13 21:09:37 139932281419712 [Note] Recovering after a crash using /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin
2016-04-13 21:09:37 139932281419712 [ERROR] Binlog file '/var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin.000023' not found in binlog index, needed for recovery. Aborting.
2016-04-13 21:09:37 139932281419712 [ERROR] Crash recovery failed. Either correct the problem (if it's, for example, out of memory error) and restart, or delete (or rename) binary log and start mysqld with --tc-heuristic-recover={commit|rollback}
2016-04-13 21:09:37 139932281419712 [ERROR] Can't init tc log
2016-04-13 21:09:37 139932281419712 [ERROR] Aborting

As I see, almost every SST rotates a log file and downloads last (in example above I have mariadb-bin.000024), and not previous. But for recovering it needs previous.
Sometimes I'm lucky and it restores.

Anyone knows why it rotates a log and is it possible to force it to load more than last log file?

Igor Mazur