guys, i have some queries like this:
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "j;1;$;294007/3nfe-1%"
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "j;1;%;294007/3nfe-1%"
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "j;1;%;%294007/3nfe-1%"
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "%;%;$;%294007/3nfe-1%"
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "%;%;%;294007/3nfe-1%"
SELECT doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key LIKE "%;%;%;%294007/3nfe-1%"

it's a search about a document number, but the problem is....
the first query at first line (with % at end of the query) return really fast, but executing others queries are very slow, the question is
could we optimize this kind of query, since limit=1 row?
the explain of this query:

id select_typetable typepossible_keys keykey_len refrows Extra
1 PRIMARYmov_documentos rangePRIMARY PRIMARY77 1 Using where; Using index
2 UNIONmov_documentos rangePRIMARY PRIMARY77 625612 Using where; Using index
3 UNIONmov_documentos rangePRIMARY PRIMARY77 625612 Using where; Using index
4 UNIONmov_documentos index PRIMARY77 1798490 Using where; Using index
5 UNIONmov_documentos index PRIMARY77 1798490 Using where; Using index
6 UNIONmov_documentos index PRIMARY77 1798490 Using where; Using index
UNION RESULT<union1,2,3,4,5,6> ALL

Roberto Spadim