6 Jul
6 Jul
6:05 p.m.
Hi! On 7/6/20, 10:36, "Sergei Golubchik" <serg@mariadb.org> wrote: Hi, Chris! On Jul 06, Chris Ross (cross2) wrote: > ... I want to install into /usr/lib64. Assuming there > isn’t an easy “just do that” flag, can I set the library path used to > install? -DINSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 Are you building a binary tarball? RPM/DEB packages automatically use /usr/lib64 if needed. see cmake/install_layout.cmake - may be rpm or deb layout will work better for you. Thanks. Hmm, okay, I see that now. I was using STANDALONE, as you guessed. Maybe RPM would suit me better. Does that try to build an RPM, or just adjust the install paths? Maybe that would be better... Thanks! - Chris