What does it say in plain English? We did not forget to sign the package, and you can check that by rightclicking on the MSI, Properties/Digital Signature, check the single one in the list, press “Detail”. It will show that signature is OK. However, we did change Authenticode certificate, because the old one has expired yesterday. The new certificate is valid until 23 Dec 2019 (you can also check that by clicking on certificate details). I do not see what we’re doing wrong, we’ll check. Maybe the new certificate needs some reputation score, I’m not sure about it. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Peter Laursen Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 1:41 PM To: Maria Discuss Subject: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB 10.3.4 installation blocked ny MS "WindowsDefender" malware protection Please see image. (you can clik "more info" adn the option to "install anyway" will appear. Did you forget to sign the installer this time or has some certificate expired? -- Peter -- Webog