I am looking at switching from MySQL to MariaDB and have been comparing the performance of the two.

I am using the same databases on the same Windows machine and running queries using MySQL and MariaDB

and I am finding that MariaDB is 6 times slower. A query that takes 5 seconds on MySQL is taking 28 seconds on MariaDB.


I am hoping I have some configuration wrong, so I looking for some help to work out what needs changing.


One of the problem queries is a join between two tables. Analyzing the query gives..


ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT r.rushid FROM rushes r LEFT JOIN browse b ON r.rushID = b.rushID WHERE b.rushID IS NULL AND r.updated < NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY;







| {

  "query_block": {

    "select_id": 1,

    "r_loops": 1,

    "r_total_time_ms": 107974,

    "table": {

      "table_name": "r",

      "access_type": "ALL",

      "r_loops": 1,

      "rows": 784286,

      "r_rows": 784286,

      "r_total_time_ms": 245.5,

      "filtered": 100,

      "r_filtered": 100,

      "attached_condition": "r.updated < '2020-05-31 16:35:59'"


    "table": {

      "table_name": "b",

      "access_type": "ref",

      "possible_keys": ["rushid_start", "rushid"],

      "key": "rushid",

      "key_length": "96",

      "used_key_parts": ["rushID"],

      "ref": ["quentin_v3afp.r.rushID"],

      "r_loops": 784286,

      "rows": 10,

      "r_rows": 1,

      "r_total_time_ms": 106252,

      "filtered": 100,

      "r_filtered": 100,

      "attached_condition": "trigcond(b.rushID is null)",

      "using_index": true,

      "not_exists": true



} |



1 row in set (1 min 48.244 sec)


The table has been converted to the Aria engine from MyISAM. The my.ini file has had the following added/changed..


#Not using MyISAM so save memory



#Setting to improve Aria performance








Thanks for any help.


Andy Ling



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