Hi, I agree with you, the implementation details and used terminology is different but idea seems on surface very similar. Actual differences must be on claims section. There are other similar CDC (Change Data Capture) software. R: Jan
That is pretty funny. The flow chart is exactly the same as FlexCDC which predates this. FlexCDC reads binary logs events, processes them, writes them into another log, and then makes them available for application to another database or for aggregate tables in the same database, which is by definition a heterogeneous data source.
And FlexCDC is of course based on similar technology in DB2 and Oracle. Oracle captures changes via logminer or streams, and DB2 has a log capture utility that was used as the prototype for the algorithm that Flexviews is based on.
Also, I have a talk called "realtime event capture ..." at the PLMCE conference that talks about using FlexCDC to capture events and propagate them to other systems.
This is also how Continuent works too.