Hi, SARTrack! You might want to look at Q4M storage engine, http://q4m.github.io/ perhaps it'll help. Or you can emulate the notification with locks or replication. But directly - no, there are no plans at the moment to implement the notifications like this. Of course, plans might change... On Nov 15, SARTrack Admin wrote:
I develop a Windows application for Search and Rescue (using Delphi and MyDAC components), which gets a stream of "APRS" data packets, up to 10 per second. These are saved in the SQL database, but all Clients which are connected to the database MUST be notified when a Table change has occured, so that they then can update their internal tables. Which in turn update their Maps (GPS location of moving items) and other data, which MUST be up-to-date.
Currently I am having all Clients polling the database every 5 seconds, which really sucks, and causes all kinds of other problems.
Is there any chance that MariaDB will have some kind of Client Notification system when a Table has changed, as some other SQL databases seem to have?
Regards, Sergei