Lately, i did modify mytop (https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-4476) to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST instead of SHOW PROCESSLIST (when available) to gather running processes informations as it's more flexible and has more informations but the value of the PROGRESS column on both is different, so i wondered if the PROGRESS value on SHOW PROCESSLIST was using a simple formula like this one or something more complex : (STAGE-1)/MAX_STAGE + {decimal progress on the actual stage}/MAX_STAGE
There seems to be a broken alinea about that on the KB page of the PROCESSLIST : https://mariadb.com/kb/en/show-processlist/
Thanks Jean, the Knowledge Base error seemed to be old syntax no longer supported. I've fixed it, and linked to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/progress-reporting/ It's not ideal that SHOW PROCESSLIST and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST show different values for a field with the same name, and the information schema should probably be extended to show both. The SHOW PROCESSLIST version of the progress seems to be more useful in theory, but I'm not sure of the thinking behind changing this for the information schema (perhaps accuracy?). I think the partitions issue Roberto was referring to is: https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-4417 ian