With this table: CREATE TABLE t1 ( label varchar(100) NOT NULL, dt datetime NOT NULL, success tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (label,dt), KEY dt (dt), KEY success (success,dt) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC I have a DELETE query that has been stuck in Statistics for nearly an hour now: DELETE MyDB.t1 FROM MyDB.t1 WHERE dt <= '2023-02-21 08:06:46' AND dt >= '2023-02-21 08:03:48' This statement runs several times per hour to trim the table (and has for years). It has run fine against my 10.6.12 DB (this is a downstream replica DB) for a couple weeks now(when I upgraded the replica); but suddenly today produced the hang. Any ideas why? The table has nearly 15 million rows; but the rows are more or less evenly spaced across datetimes. Also I find that I cannot kill the query using KILL 12345; the KILL statement just comes back immediately without reporting an error and the statement continues. Is there no way to kill this statement without crashing the DB? Again, this is a replica statement that is executing. I had planned to stop the query, execute an ANALYZE TABLE t1 and then try it again, but I don't seem to be able to kill the query. Thank you! Dan