Hi gerry, You asked why TokuDB and SphinxSE isn't in stock MariaDB that you get from Ubuntu 14.04, and I shall attempt to answer that for you (Ubuntu packages are inherited from upstream Debian fwiw) From /etc/lsb-release: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" select version() gives: 5.5.37-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 When I do show engines; I see Sphinx: | SPHINX | YES | Sphinx storage engine | NO | NO | NO | You can verify it exists in /usr/lib/mysql/plugin. By default, there are 11 "engines" listed If you follow https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-enable-tokudb-in-mariadb/ you may be disappointed not to see TokuDB (since it appeared in 5.5.33 - simple answer is that its disabled, just like oqgraph See commit: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-mysql/mariadb-5.5.git;a=commit;h=68a... You can however continue to get TokuDB from our mariadb repositories, using the repository config tool HTH cheers, -colin -- Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, SkySQL - The MariaDB Company blog: http://bytebot.net/blog/| t: +6-012-204-3201 | Skype: colincharles