what exactly did you not understand in the context "if you once again are responding to a private mail on a public list" given *that this* is unacceptable what is the point warming up a dead thread after TWO days? did you even bother read the rest of the thread? did you get any context at all, i mean you had two days time Am 16.05.20 um 14:26 schrieb Erik Cederstrand:
Hi mailing list moderators,
Should I unsubscribe from MariaDB mailing lists now, or will you unsubscribe this person?
This language is totally unacceptable and in violation the MariaDB CoC.
Kind regards, Erik
Den 14. maj 2020 kl. 19.49 skrev Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net>:
if you once again are responding to a private mail on a public list i will care of that you wish you woldn't been born at all - and now for tahe sake of god just shut up