Hello –

I am having an issue configuring openLDAP to authenticate users on an instance in RHEL (CentOS 7)

MariaDB server

configured with plugin-load=auth_pam.so

in my /etc/pam.d/mysql:
auth required pam_ldap.so
account required pam_ldap.so

when I try and access the server from either the localhost, or any server inside my internal network, I see the LDAP authentication happen without issue and login is fine.

When I try and access the server from outside the network, on the mariadb server in /var/log/secure I see the following:

Jan 19 08:32:35 mysqld: pam_ldap(mysql:auth): unexpected response from failed conversation function

Jan 19 08:32:35 mysqld: pam_ldap(mysql:auth): conversation failed

Jan 19 08:32:35 mysqld: pam_ldap(mysql:auth): failed to get password: Authentication token manipulation error

And in my client (Cygwin) I get the following error:

ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded: No such file or directory

However I see this plugin in the /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin directory

Any idea what is going wrong with remote logins? Thanks-