Hi Sergei, Thank you for your time on commenting on my question. For others who may face this error in future and not yet find a solution yet, below is the solution worked for me, its mostly due to SELINUX if you are in Cent OS 7 or RHEL 7 or whatever version with SELINUX enabled: -- if we get password policy not met error and error or warning says: Warning message: +---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Warning | 1819 | cracklib: error loading dictionary | | Error | 1819 | Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements | +---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ Then this is due to SELinux issue. We have to set the context to grant access to cracklib dir. Description When using default settings cracklib tries to read the password database from /usr/share/cracklib/. When using the standard SELINUX profile mysqdl doesn't have access to that directory though. You can use SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name LIKE "%dir" to get the cracklib dir name. Workarounds: * add additional access rules: {code:bash} semanage fcontext -a -t mysqld_etc_t "/usr/share/cracklib(/.*)?" restorecon -Rv /usr/share/cracklib {code} * or copy cracklib dictionary to mysqld datadir and set cracklib_password_check_dictionary accordingly Thank you all for your time on helping me to resolve this. On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Karthick!
Dear Experts,
I almost tried all sort of combinations that I think of very difficult to crack, but repeatedly failed to satisfy MariaDB not throw this error.
Can anyone guide me on what is the specific needs for successful
On Jul 03, Karthick Subramanian wrote: password.
Warning message:
| Level | Code | Message | +---------+------+------------------------------------------ ----------------------+ | Warning | 1819 | cracklib: error loading dictionary | | Error | 1819 | Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements | +---------+------+------------------------------------------ ----------------------+
Well, it says that in attempt to validate the password, cracklib has failed with an error message "error loading dictionary".
May be the dictionary file is missing. May be it is corrupted. Use SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'cracklib_password_check_dictionary' to see the location of the cracklib dictionary.
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org