On Tuesday 10 June 2014 15:19:56 Roberto Spadim wrote:
Hi guys, i'm running slackware 14.1, i upgrade to slackware-current, and downloaded the mariadb-10.0.11 x64 with glibc 2.19 the point is... whern i run mysql, it requires a 'deprecated' library, libtinfo.so.5, this one was replaced by libncurses.so.5 there's something we could help here? today i execute a symlink to solve this problem, but since libtinfo is deprecated, should we update our compile line?
Hi Roberto, This is likely because of some compatibility requirement on another platform/system. I'll let the MariaDB developers commet on that to be sure. I already have queued up a 10.0.11 update for slackware-current, it just needs to get Pat's approval. If you want I can forward the SlackBuild to you. Otherwise it might appear in the -current tree within a couple weeks. Alternatively you could send a mail to Pat about the missing libtinfo, in case it indeed turns out to be a compatibility issue. If one application needs it it's likely another one out there does too, so adding compatibility for it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Grs, Heinz