Hello, A new question has been asked in "MariaDB community" by lennartjohansson: -------------------------------- Hi all, I'm a newie to Mariadb but do have a question if a thing we need to do in a project is possible to do at all. We are working with a id-project where Sybase is feeding data into a ldap directory, now we need do to a upgrade witch means that the connector to sybase are lost. To get that to work again we need to have new views build in Sybase and since we dont own the Sybase database that is crazy expenciv. So we thought about using MariaDB as a middleware and store data from Sybase in it and use that instead as data source for our directory. So my question is if it's possible in MariaDB to run a query that reads data from a Sybase DB and store the result? And if so does anybody have any suggestions about best practice how to do that. /Lenanrt -------------------------------- To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/newbie-question/