Am 07.04.21 um 14:46 schrieb Dajka Tamás:
Hi All,
I’m facing a weird error. We’re migrating our old 10.1 multi-master setup to a new 10.3 cluster (everything is running on Debian). New-node01 is connected as a slave to the old cluster’s master.
When I tried to set up the replication between the 2 new nodes (with data files copy), the slave thread stopped nearly immediatelly stating, that the command is invalid – containing illegal characters. After some investigation, it turned out, that binlog on the master (new-node01) is – let’s say – corrupted. After a few iterations/checking I saw, that the error always happens with some MEMORY tables (I know I can exclude them from the replica, but want to understand the issue first)
wow - 10 years after stop using memory tables at all because again and again broken replication they are still a problem?